
Baptism is a symbol of death to sin and new life in Christ. Just as Jesus died on the Cross for our sins and on the third day rose from the dead, so is baptism a symbol of being cleansed and coming back to a new life in Christ.


We are most excited when we see people coming to Christ and committing their lives to Jesus. We encourage you not to wait for years before you ‘feel ready’, as such moment may never come. Rather, if you believe that Jesus is in the center of your life and you want to follow him, let us know and we can schedule your baptism!


Are you interested in getting baptised? We organise baptism preparation courses and carry out baptisms regularly. Contact us! Please click on the links below to read about the powerful testimonies of our church members (or previous church members) about how they came to Christ (published with their consent):

Beccy’s tesimony:


Joshua’s testimony:




Shawn’s testimony: